a word about you

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
–Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Because you’re still here and still trying to make the world better in some way, this is for you.

The past couple of years have brought into focus what you do best: You care. You try to keep people healthy and informed, you soothe aches and ease fears, you solve problems, you raise money, you build buildings, you build bridges, you build momentum. You listen with an open mind. You share your experience, you encourage and uplift, you teach, you lead with integrity, you add beauty and set it to music. You have the difficult conversations, laugh with friends, do the laundry, make the pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, nurture the animals and look after the garden, work things out, help parents and neighbors, get the kids ready for school and for life (whatever it looks like at the moment). You roll with it. You care for yourself. You grow, you change. You make a way.

Everyone has their own thing to do and their own way of doing it — but this caring for others and the world is our life’s work, really, when it all comes down to it.

I’ve often said how grateful I am to work with people who are doing such good work. Thank you. I’m proud of what you’re doing and of the good work we do together.

If there’s more I can do to help you change the world, please say hello!


Robin Ward